пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Fan injured at Robbie Williams concert = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Fan injured at Robbie Williams concert = 2

A spokeswoman for Telstra Dome said it was believed the man had toppled over as soon
as he tried to stand on the railing about 20 minutes into Robbie Williams' first set.

"Eye witnesses said he wasn't even fully erect when he fell," spokeswoman Susan Wood said.

St John volunteers and security staff were at the scene almost immediately, she said.

Ms Wood said there was extra security staff last night to cope with the record concert
crowd of 58,163.

Robbie Williams' management had been notified but it is not yet known if the performer
was aware of the incident.

Ms Wood said the accident was the first of its type at the stadium and would be fully

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