четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Qld: Beattie says govt won't fight with teachers

Qld: Beattie says govt won't fight with teachers

By John Sheed

BRISBANE, Dec 22 AAP - The Queensland Government would not get into a slanging matchwith teachers over their pay claims which would probably end up going to arbitration,Premier Peter Beattie said today.

The Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) took out a full page newspaper advertisement (SundayMail) in which it said it might be forced to take industrial action next year becausethe State Government had bungled negotiations on a new enterprise bargaining agreement(EBA).

In the advertisement the QTU accused the government of "arrogance and incompetence"

over the negotiations and coming up with a "half-smart EB (enterprise bargaining) offer"

after six months of stalling and inaction.

QTU president Julie-Ann McCullough said the government's offer had been condemned bythe union and that teachers would continue their campaign for improved conditions.

"The Beattie government's half-smart offer is an insult to schools, teachers and studentsand doesn't even start to address priorities in our claim," Ms McCullough said in a mediastatement.

Teachers were demanding improved conditions in schools, including increased fundingto reduce class sizes and address student behaviour issues.

They also wanted a fair pay rise, Ms McCullough said.

"There's no mileage in getting involved in some slanging match," Mr Beattie told amedia conference today.

"They had 120 claims which (Industrial Relations Minister) Gordon Nuttall tells meare costed at something like $6 billion.

"I'm a bit disappointed that they are getting into the usual personalities and beingdestructive - I don't think those tactics are very helpful at all.

"I seriously don't think Queenslanders would expect us to sign up to 120 claims worth$6 billion."

Mr Beattie said the negotiations had been difficult and that Queensland teachers hadended up being the best paid in Australia after their last EBA negotiations gave thema "big win".

He said there were 10 weeks left of the current EBA and the QTU should use its timemore constructively.

While the government would continue to negotiate with the union a sensible result was unlikely.

"My view is that they should save their money from their public relations campaignand they should as soon as the 10 weeks expire go and have it arbitrated," Mr Beattiesaid.

AAP jfs/csd/de


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