среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Brandon, 7 months, is friendly and active

Seven-month-old Brandon is one of the friendliest babies you'llever meet. With his black, curly hair, brown eyes and big, happysmile, he's sure to win your heart.

Brandon is people-oriented. He loves other children and likesbeing with them. He's attached to his foster mother and becomessomewhat jealous if she holds another baby. In fact, he'll try tocrawl up her leg.

Although Brandon was exposed to drugs before birth, he has notshown any symptoms for several months. In fact, he's extremelyactive, healthy and intelligent.

At 6 months, Brandon was doing an army crawl. Now he's crawlingon all fours. He's also pulling himself up to a standing positionand …

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