четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Cutbacks leading to problems for buses, ferries ASU

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Cutbacks leading to problems for buses, ferries ASU

SYDNEY, Dec 18 AAP - Staff and overtime cutbacks, not recent industrial action, were to
blame for high breakdown levels and poor customer service on Sydney's public buses and
ferries, a union said today.

Inspectors and clerical staff went on strike on Wednesday afternoon and all of yesterday in
protest against the size of a pay rise being negotiated for a new enterprise bargaining

Australian Services Union (ASU) industrial officer Mark Ellery said figures obtained by the
union showed between November 30 and December 15, the State Transit Authority (STA) had more
than 900 buses fail in service, an average of 60 per day.

In the same period, STA buses were involved in more than 222 accidents, an average of 15 a
day, Mr Ellery said.

Mr Ellery said that on December 15 alone, State Transit's own internal documents listed 39
mechanical priorities. These included 12 electrical and 11 transmission breakdowns, five brake
and air failures, three exhaust system and three steering problems.

Ten traffic accidents had included minor problems such as mirrors coming off.

Of 32 incidents which had inconvenienced passengers that one day, 30 had resulting in time

"During the same period of time, (November 30 - December 15) State Transit buses missed
more than 1,200 trips," he said in a statement.

"That is an average of over 74 times a day that a State Transit bus has failed to turn up
at bus stops as advertised in the published timetable."

He said cutbacks to funding had meant the number of shifts worked by the inspectoral staff
who monitored early and late running and fare evasion had been slashed.

"The ASU understands that a recent audit by the (Transport) Department of State Transit's
performance has indicated that over 60 per cent of State Transit buses are running out of
timetable order or contrary to timetable," he said.

STA could not be reached for comment late today.

AAP dep/tsm/cjh/de


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