четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: East Timor protesters end Melbourne demonstration

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: East Timor protesters end Melbourne demonstration

Demonstrators occupying the Melbourne office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
have ended their protest this afternoon.

Earlier today, about 30 protesters, who call themselves University Students for East Timor,
had refused to leave the offices until Foreign Minister ALEXANDER DOWNER responded to a list
of demands.

Spokesman DAN NICHOLSON says their demands include immediately starting talks with East
Timorese leaders and an end to all Australian military involvement with Indonesia.

The protest comes amid reports as many as 45 people were killed in a clash between pro and
anti-independence activists in the troubled province.

Indonesia invaded East Timor in 1975 and annexed the territory in early 1976 in a move
never recognised by the United Nations.

AAP RTV gf/er/imc/lw/jn


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