четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

Aging Rockers' Last Resort: Undress Fest

Turtle Lake Music Fest '95 Today through Sunday Turtle Lake Resort, Union City, Mich.

$125 for all three days (800) 480-7004 Expect a full moon when Eric Burdon sings "House of the Rising Sun"this weekend. The erstwhile Animal is booked into the Turtle LakeMusic Fest '95 in Union City, Mich.

It's a clothing-optional resort.

Burdon joins rockin' reptiles Blue Oyster Cult, Kansas and AlanParsons in the three-day event that begins tonight. (They're missingthe obvious booking, ex-Turtles Flo and Eddie.)

The Classic Rock All Star Band kicks off the fest at 4 p.m.today. This threadbare outfit brings together drummer Pete Riverafrom Rare Earth; Jerry …

Today In History

Today is Tuesday, November 9, the 313th day of 2010. There are 52 days left in the year.

Highlights in history on this date:

1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte, newly returned from his disastrous expedition to Egypt, seizes power in France, making himself one of three consuls.

1803 - A French expedition sent to put down rebellious Haiti surrenders, and the island declares independence soon after.

1882 - Franco-British dual control of Egypt is established.

1918 - German Emperor William II abdicates and Germany is declared a republic. Two days later, Germany signs an armistice ending World War I.

1923 - Fourteen Nazis are killed as federal troops break up march of …

Schumacher: No regrets on F1 return

Michael Schumacher has no regrets over his decision to return to Formula One, although the seven-time champion is pleading for patience as he continues to come to grips with his Mercedes car after a three-year absence from the sport.

Schumacher sits a disappointing 10th in the standings _ 50 points behind leader Jenson Button _ but is "absolutely confident" his stock will rebound, starting with this weekend's Spanish Grand Prix.

"I'm on the right path," Schumacher said Thursday as he looks to recover from a 10th-place finish in Shanghai. "Things will improve. Naturally the joy is bigger when you win races. In China I was very …

среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Leaders eye ATV bill changes: Senate version makes ATVs abide by 'rules of road'; Legislature 2004; ATVs

Some members of the House of Delegates are expecting smoothernegotiations on a bill passed by the Senate that would regulate all-terrain vehicles, but changes to the bill have sparked new questionsabout how much of the state would be left open for people to legallyride ATVs.

The Senate passed regulations Monday in an 18-15 vote that wouldrequire all children to wear helmets any time they ride an ATV,whether they're on private or public property. The state's Divisionof Motor Vehicles would be required to offer free ATV-safety classes,children would be barred from carrying passengers, and the number ofriders on most vehicles would be limited to two.

The rules, crafted …

Who's on your mailing list?

Who's on your mailing list? That's a very valid question to ask any artist or musician who is serious about their music. Every artist wants to get more people on their mailing list. Ironically, most artists wouldn't be able to tell you anything about the individual people on their mailing list except that most of them have come to at least one show. By not knowing who is on your mailing list you are losing thousands of dollars a year in product sales. Let me give you two examples.

First, an artist many of you know from the Music Strategies Seminars, and an artist I have been working with for the last year, is Tomas Michaud (www.TomasMichaud.com). Tomas was familiar with a fan of …

Australian charged with pedophilia in Bulgaria

Bulgarian authorities have arrested an Australian man and charged him with having sex with minors and setting up a child porn network, a court official said Tuesday.

Court spokeswoman Elena Bangieva said a district court in the Black Sea city of Varna has ordered medic Joseph Lee Smith, 35, remanded in custody pending trial.

Canberra-born Smith was arrested Nov. 7 in a rented apartment in Varna, Bangieva said. She said …

Gareth served our village well

Re: The death of community correspondent Gareth Jones.

I met Gareth formally when we were both on the local FairtradeCommittee but he would pass my door and we would chat. I enjoyed hischats as they were full of humour.

He loved talking about his dogs and the mischief they got up to -he thought he'd fenced in his garden so they couldn't get out butthey had got the better of him and had a wonderful time uprootingplants in his neighbour's garden.

He didn't arrive at our meeting as he was having new fencing putup. On another occasion the dogs wrapped themselves round his legsand …

Torrealba's Grand Slam Lifts Hot Rockies

DENVER - Yorvit Torrealba hit a grand slam, Rodrigo Lopez struck out a season-high seven in six innings and the Colorado Rockies beat the St. Louis Cardinals 8-3 Tuesday night for their seventh straight victory.

It's the first time the Rockies have won seven in a row since Sept. 6-12, 1998.

Lopez, who was activated from the disabled list before the game, had been out since April 19 with right elbow inflammation. Lopez (2-0) allowed three runs and six hits.

Torrealba hit a 2-2 fastball over the left-center field fence in the fourth inning for his third career grand slam, and first by Colorado this season. Torrealba's first homer of the season came after Braden …

'Lost' season-ender: Bombshells and more mysteries

Jack wanted an explosion and he got his explosion, on the explosive season-ender of "Lost."

It was a mind-bending finale that, in the best tradition of the series, cleared things up, then confused them again, with exhilarating richness.

Spoiler alert: Promises were kept to the audience on the two-hour episode, aired Wednesday night in the United States. For example, the never-before-seen uber-boss of the island, Jacob, scored a prominent and visible role. He did, that is, until he was stabbed to death by Ben (Michael Emerson) as angry payback after decades of neglect and sacrifice.

Then, with Jacob's dying breath, he warned, …

Brandon, 7 months, is friendly and active

Seven-month-old Brandon is one of the friendliest babies you'llever meet. With his black, curly hair, brown eyes and big, happysmile, he's sure to win your heart.

Brandon is people-oriented. He loves other children and likesbeing with them. He's attached to his foster mother and becomessomewhat jealous if she holds another baby. In fact, he'll try tocrawl up her leg.

Although Brandon was exposed to drugs before birth, he has notshown any symptoms for several months. In fact, he's extremelyactive, healthy and intelligent.

At 6 months, Brandon was doing an army crawl. Now he's crawlingon all fours. He's also pulling himself up to a standing positionand …

LeBron: I couldn't keep watching Cowboys' loss

MIAMI (AP) — Another low for the Dallas Cowboys: They made LeBron James watch something else.

The NBA's two-time reigning MVP is a devout Cowboys fan, but when Dallas' game in Green Bay was turning into a 45-7 blowout loss, James says he had to look away.

"Very tough, man," James said after his Miami Heat practiced on Monday. "I've never had to change channels when …

Feedlot owners oppose beef labeling law

Cody Easterday estimates that some 25 percent of the cattle at his 30,000-head feedlot come from Canada, with maybe a few cattle from Mexico in the pens.

But weeks after the government began requiring producers to label beef with the country the animals came from, Easterday estimates he's already getting lower prices for that foreign beef _ as much as $30 per head.

It's just one reason he's suing the U.S. Department of Agriculture to rewrite the beef labeling provision in what could be one of several attempts to overturn a law long sought by consumer and farm groups.

"It's a flawed law that's going to cost the industry hundreds of millions of …

North Shore magazine turning 25

North Shore magazine turns 25 next month with a renewed emphasison covering subjects of interest to its target audience of suburbandwellers living north and northwest of the city.

It is an evolution that actually began five years ago under formerEditor Tom McNamee, when North Shore underwent a complete redesign,including changes in the size and quality of the paper on which itwas published. That allowed for better photo reproduction and a morecontemporary feel for the magazine, according to North Shoreexecutives. North Shore is published by Pioneer Newspapers Inc., asubsidiary of Hollinger International. Hollinger also owns the Sun-Times.

Three years ago, S. Jennifer Hunter (wife of Sun-Times VicePresident of Editorial John Cruickshank) came on board as NorthShore's associate publisher and editor. She has focused themagazine's editorial content squarely on topics she believes to bethe concerns of a large segment of her readership--such things aseducation, parenting and housing. The current August issue, forinstance, spotlights the best schools in the northern suburbs. Hunterhas kept a touch of celebrity too--the June issue featured actorDavid Schwimmer, a graduate of Northwestern University.

The September anniversary issue will hit newsstands in lateAugust. It includes a 32-page special section that provides ananecdotal look at life on the North Shore during the past 25 years.

As a prelude of sorts to the special section, Hunter has beenpublishing a "Flashback" column where North Shore residents talkabout their experiences in the area and their view of how things havechanged. The September cover will be a collage of all past NorthShore covers.

North Shore's monthly circulation is 55,000, according to magazinePresident Larry Green.

New entity could oversee local ad awards show

When last we checked in six months ago, the Chicago AdvertisingFederation had decided to scrap the Windy Awards and rethink the kindof awards show Chicago's advertising community wanted and deserved. Acommittee of local ad execs has made progress in the interveningmonths, though some details are yet to be worked out.

Under new awards guidelines now being drawn up, an entity known asthe Chicago Creative Club is tentatively set to orchestrate theevent. Winners will become a member of the club, though they will notbe entered in any other national or international competition, as hadbeen the case with the Windys. After attendees complained of too manyaward categories at the final Windy Awards event in 2002, the numberof categories has been cut, which should mean a faster-pacedceremony.

The club hopes to put the entire submission and judging processonline. If that happens, it hopes to get a strong group ofinternational judges to assess the work. The hope also is that thefirst club awards could be handed out as early as November, but theevent could get pushed back to early December, sources said.

New long-form Bud ads make their Web debut

Anheuser-Busch is warming to the long-form commercial, which isnow a staple on the brewer's Budweiser Web site, www.budweiser.com.Late last month, AB unveiled two new short films on the site, titled"The Company Man" and "Gas, Food, Beer."

The films manage to integrate the Budweiser brand into a varietyof humorous situations typically faced by adult beer consumers. In"The Company Man," for instance, lead character Greg Greggor--bestknown for his wedding toasts in another Budweiser short film, "TheBest Man"--attends a corporate dinner party that develops a fewtwists. "Gas, Food, Beer" features two couples traveling to a skilodge for a well-deserved vacation with a driver who has to stop fordirections.

For Anheuser-Busch, the long-form commercial manages to do doubleduty. "We believe this is an efficient form of marketing for us, aswe can use portions of each film to develop standard 30-secondcommercials," said Andy Goeler, director of Budweiser marketing. InNovember 2002, Budweiser announced a partnership with Kevin Spacey'sTriggerStreet. com, a Web-based filmmakers' and screenwriters'community that showcases new talent and shares and critiques originalshort films.

Ad Notes

Kelly Abeles, communications director for the American BarEndowment, will become the 49th president of the Chicago Associationof Direct Marketing when new officers and board members are installedat the group's 48th annual business meeting Aug. 13 at the 410 Club,410 N. Michigan. Other officers are Vice President Michelle Blechman,the vice president-strategic planner at Grey Direct; and Secretary-Treasurer Joseph DeCosmo, president, DeCosmo and Associates. HollyHarle, account executive, Mid-American Mailers, becomes immediatepast president.

The C Spot Drive Party, Mercedes-Benz' largest-ever experientialmarketing project, will take place at the Odeum Sports & Expo Centerin Villa Park, Friday through Sunday. The event is designed topromote the C-Class model Mercedes.

вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Celebrating mediocrity Series: -DATELINE-

Disappointment is one of life's hardest yet most valuable lessons.It is easy to learn how to accept winning. The true test is how onereacts when failing to reach a goal. Does the person who comes upshort in the task quit, or try to change the rules? Or does thatperson react by re-dedication to the competition of the nextchallenge? Impressive people try harder next time.

Individual class rankings in some high schools are beingabandoned, not only in the Chicago area but at high schools elsewherein the country. This is a small development but it is an indicator ofa broader misguided effort to artificially insulate young people inthe name of self-esteem. The message_If everyone can't be No. 1, thenno one can_is ultimately the wrong one for children and a corrosiveone to the competitive zeal that has served this nation so well.

Those against the concept of class ranking bemoan the pressureexperienced by children who strive to finish at the head of theirclass academically. But not all children need engage in thisparticular race. For those who do, pressure is what makes winning sosweet. Some people thrive on competition_and not all of them kick aball. Schools would not abandon keeping score at sporting events andyet in academic competition, that is what they are doing in the nameof sparing hurt feelings.

Eliminating class ranking cheats not only the victor but alsothose whose goal is to finish at a lesser but finite number_their ownpersonal best. Furthermore, by taking away class rankings, it cheatssome students out of that valuable lesson learned in disappointment.

MY POP: Kelley Walker

Coming to New York in the mid-'90s, I became aware of the difference between artists: Jeff Wall was cautious, Warhol was trouble. Warhol's work seemed much more intuitive, which I liked because of its direct expression, often in the form of a failed self-negation coupled with violence. Since then, I have become conscious that, however informed, by working intuitively Warhol found in Pop his conception of a functional antagonist, a one-character avant-garde, and a duplicity achieved through a language of marketing. Warhol's direct self-promotion and soliciting-offering the prize of a glamorous dinner with the cover star of that month's Interviewte someone who commissioned a multipanel portrait, for example-point to a significant reason he achieved such success as an antagonist. Through his use of commercial strategies, Warhol honestly questioned the hegemony that had come about through the avant-garde's activity of self-maintenance. I see a similar noncynical approach in later artists such as Cady Noland. In my recent work, I attempt to continue the dialogue between a contemplative history of display and the strategies of appeal inherited from Pop. Instead of presenting objects on a pole, I silk-screened white, dark, and milk i chocolate onto canvas digitally printed with a 1960s black-and-white news photo (not unlike the ones Warhol used) of a race riot in the South. -AS TOLD TO BOB NICKAS

BNP Paribas shares slump on Fortis deal delay

Shares in BNP Paribas slumped Thursday after the French bank scrapped plans for a shareholder meeting on its acquisition of Belgium's troubled Fortis bank.

BNP was down 3.57 percent to euro33.00 ($48.23) a share by the close of trading in Paris Thursday, having fallen by as much as 8 percent in the course of the session.

With the Fortis NV deal blocked last week by Belgian judges, BNP Paribas called off a shareholder meeting scheduled for Friday to approve a shares issue to help finance the acquisition.

Fortis used to be the largest bank in Belgium and the Netherlands but was forced to repeatedly seek government help during tight credit conditions and was eventually carved up, selling off most of its business in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.

The bank insisted Thursday that it was still interested in Fortis.

Spokesman Jonathan Mullen referred back to a statement by the bank, issued last week after the court ruling, saying that BNP Paribas "will examine all options including legal to close this deal efficiently and quickly."

The court's decision "in no way calls into question the interest of this deal," Mullen added, reading from the statement.

BNP Paribas had drawn up a 2-stage timetable for the acquisition. Stage 1 was to acquire a 54 percent stake of the unit Fortis Bank Belgium in shares. The second was to buy full ownership of the unit Fortis Insurance Belgium, in cash.

Friday's meeting was to get shareholder approval for the issue of 45 million new shares to help pay for the second stage of the deal.

But following the court ruling, the acquisition "cannot proceed as initially planned," so the shareholder meeting was canceled, the bank said.

Typhoon Talas dumps heavy rain on Japan; 6 dead

TOKYO (AP) — Powerful Typhoon Talas is leaving a trail of heavy rainfall and mudslides in some areas of Japan. Local reports say at least six people have died and 20 others are missing.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said the center of the typhoon, the 12th of the season, was moving north across the Sea of Japan on Sunday at a speed slower than 12 miles an hour (20 kph).

It traversed the southern Japanese island of Shikoku and the central part of the main island of Honshu overnight.

Because of the storm's slow speed, the agency warned that heavy rains and strong winds are likely to continue and could lead to flooding and landslides.

Kyodo News agency said evacuation orders and advisories have been issued to 460,000 people in western and central Japan.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

TOKYO (AP) — Powerful Typhoon Talas inched across south-central Japan on Saturday, dumping rain and buffeting a wide swath of the archipelago with strong winds. At least two people died and five others were reported missing.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said the center of the typhoon, the 12th of the season, was moving north at less than 6 miles an hour (10 kph) across Okayama prefecture Saturday evening after crossing the southern island of Shikoku. Because of the storm's slow speed, the agency warned that heavy rains and strong winds could lead to flooding and landslides.

Kyodo News agency said 3,200 people were evacuated in 16 prefectures.

A woman who appeared to be in her 30s was declared dead after she was found in a river in Ehime prefecture on Shikoku, police said.

A 73-year-old man in Nara prefecture died after a landslide caused his house to collapse, police said.

Media reports said five others were missing, including a 75-year-old woman who was swept away in a swollen river in Shikoku's Tokushima prefecture.

Flotation considered

Europe's largest mutual life insurer Standard Life has said it isconsidering a stock market flotation.

The Edinburgh-based society said it was carrying out a strategicreview in the light of fundamental changes in the industry looking atthe options for changing its structure, including demutualising.

It also announced plans to raise GBP750 million of debt and saidits chief executive, Iain Lumsden, was to retire and be replaced bythe current chief executive of Standard Life Investments, SandyCrombie.

Diamondbacks 3, Padres 0

8Diamondbacks 3, Padres 0
ab r h bi @ab r h bi
SDrew ss 4 0 1 0 Hirston cf 3 0 0 0
Young cf 4 0 0 0 Gerut cf 1 0 0 0
OHudsn 2b 4 0 3 0 EGnzlz 2b 4 0 0 0
CJkson lf 4 1 1 0 Giles rf 4 0 1 0
TClark 1b 5 1 1 0 AdGzlz 1b 4 0 0 0
Rynlds 3b 4 1 1 1 Kzmnff 3b 3 0 0 0
CSnydr c 3 0 1 0 Hadley lf 3 0 1 0
ARmro rf 4 0 1 2 Greene ss 2 0 0 0
DDavis p 3 0 0 0 Hundly c 3 0 0 0
Rauch p 0 0 0 0 CYoung p 1 0 0 0
Lyon p 0 0 0 0 Hnsley p 0 0 0 0
Hmpsn p 0 0 0 0
LRdrgz ph 1 0 0 0
Mrdith p 0 0 0 0
Bard ph 0 0 0 0
Peavy pr 0 0 0 0
Ldzma p 0 0 0 0
Totals @ 35 3 9 3 Totals @29 0 2 0
Arizona 000 003 000_3
San Diego 000 000 000_0
E_EGonzalez (3), Kouzmanoff (9). LOB_Arizona 11, San Diego 4. SB_OHudson (4), Reynolds (7), ARomero (1). S_OHudson, DDavis.
Arizona @
DDavis W,4-5 7 2-3 2 0 0 2 8
Rauch 1-3 0 0 0 0 0
Lyon S,22 1 0 0 0 0 2
San Diego @
CYoung 5 2 0 0 2 8
Hensley L,1-2 2-3 3 3 2 1 0
Hampson 1-3 0 0 0 0 0
Meredith 2 2 0 0 0 2
Ledezma 1 2 0 0 1 2
Umpires_Home, Bill MillerFirst, Jerry MealsSecond, Gary DarlingThird, Paul Emmel.
T_2:46. A_29,131 (42,691).

AIM blames TV for Viet loss

This just in: America lost the war in Vietnam because of WalterCronkite. That was very naughty of you, Walter. Naughty, naughty,naughty. Film at 9 p.m.

And what you will see at 9 tonight on WTTW-Channel 11 is aone-hour report on the alleged Cronkite Conspiracy when PBS and"Point of View" present "Television's Vietnam: The Impact of theMedia." Is any of this true?

Charlton Heston tells us so, and any man who can part the Red Seaand make his way through "The Colbys" with a straight face can't beignored.

Funded and produced by Accuracy in Media (AIM), a right-wingmedia watchdog group, "Television's Vietnam" is a sequel of sorts to"Television's Vietnam: The Real Story," which aired on manypublic-television stations last year in response to the 1983 PBSseries, "Vietnam: A Television History."

The underlying assumptions in both specials suggest the originalaward-winning "Vietnam: A Television History" was handicapped by aliberal media bias and that the documentary series never really dealtwith the true reason for the U.S. defeat in Vietnam: namely that theCronkite cabal and the rest of the American media undermined thenation's willingness to support the war.

Thus, the U.S. news media, aided by the peace movement, fellinto the clutches of the North Vietnamese to weaken our resolve infighting communism.

Using the authoritative tones of Heston, "Television'sVietnam: The Impact of Media" attempts to put forth a thesis of mediaduplicity in formulating the root cause of America's defeat inSoutheast Asia.

Tonight's special latches onto two events of the Vietnam War toargue its point: the 1968 Tet Offensive and the 1967-68 siege of KheSanh.

Heston argues that the Tet Offensive was horribly andinaccurately reported on the scene by print and electronic mediareporters, who asserted that the U.S. Embassy in Saigon had beenoverrun by the Viet Cong, when in fact the intruders on the embassygrounds never made it to the front door before being gunned down.

By reporting otherwise, Heston argues, the public was led tobelieve that Tet was a more effective maneuver than it really was,fueling the impression that the North Vietnamese were turning thetide of the war in their favor.

Regarding Khe Sanh, Heston berates the American media forfocusing on the wreckages on the few American aircraft actually shotdown during the siege and ignoring the fact that while 199 U.S.troops died while defending Khe Sanh, 9,000 to 14,000 NorthVietnamese soldiers were killed.

"Television's Vietnam" attacks the media for ignoring a NorthVietnamese massacre of 3,000 citizens at Hue, but refers to the MyLai murders of innocent villagers by U.S. troops as an unfortunatecase of "overzealousness."

Were there excesses in reporting the war? Sure. Were thereinaccuracies? Absolutely. But for Heston and AIM to suggest thatthe media was responsible for chipping away at this nation's resolveto fight in Vietnam borders on lunacy.

Heston never once considers the effect that more than 50,000body bags may have had on America's resolve. He never muses on thedifficulty of fighting a war in which troops could not launchoffensives into North Vietnam. And he never addresses the fact thatcovering a war, with all its complexities, is sometimes like tryingto capture wind in a bottle.

Almost as ludicrous is Heston's assertion that reporterscovering the war never spent more than a well-shielded day or so atthe front of any battle. Perhaps he's confusing the media with hisown USO tours.

Heston needs to brush up on his own history beyond chariotraces, as he dismisses the 1954 French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, where15,000 troops were killed or wounded, as a "symbolic" victory for theNorth Vietnamese. Some symbol.

AIM certainly has a right to air its views on PBS, which isfunded by public money. Television is full of all sorts of claptrap,so what difference does it make to add a bit more from Heston andAIM?

In the final analysis, whatever legitimate points this specialpursues are lost in a sea of lapses of accuracy and fairness. Butthat's the trouble when you tend to fly on only one wing. Whetherit's the left one or the right one, you still travel around incircles, never getting anywhere.

Rating: (STAR) `The American Promise'

It's always a dicey proposition to try to understand Americawithin the limited confines of television. But America remains achallenge for journalists, historians and observers, including themost recent effort launched by John Chancellor and NBC. "The AmericanPromise," the first of a series of periodic reports airing during thenext 18 months, will begin at 9 tonight on WMAQ-Channel 5.

"The American Promise" explores the nation's most precioushallmarks of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness among itspeople.

The Statue of Liberty centennial celebrations inspired newthoughts about freedom, liberty and opportunity. Those words,Chancellor suggests, seem to be abstractions taken for granted in ourday-to-day lives as we go to work, struggle with bills and fighttraffic.

"The American Promise" draws those abstractions into sharperfocus. Tonight's one-hour premiere installment ponders the lives offour different Americans.

The NBC series will try to provide some points to ponder aboutthe country. This is not a flashy series, but it is a rarity onnetwork television today: a contemplative effort to slow down thepace a bit and simply think about ourselves and our country. That'sa bold notion: people sitting around in prime time, discussing themost valuable commodity on television - ideas.

Rating: (STAR) (STAR) (STAR)

Atlantis links up with International Space Station, marking final docking for a US shuttle

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) — Atlantis links up with International Space Station, marking final docking for a US shuttle

понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Tributes flood in for Bath philanthropist

A respected humanitarian who founded three charities has diedafter suffering a suspected heart attack while on an evening strollnear his home in Batheaston.

Former soldier Richard Carr- Gomm, aged 86, who dedicated hislife to alleviating loneliness among vulnerable members of society,died last week.

After rising to the rank of major in the Army, he left the armedforces in 1955 and used his pension to buy a house in London thatoffered older people companionship and care in the local community,which became the Abbeyfield Society.

In 1965, Mr Carr-Gomm set up another charity, then called theCarr-Gomm Society, to meet the needs of younger people experiencingloneliness through housing and support.

He also founded the charity, the Morpeth Society, for lonely well-off people and was delighted by the growth and success of all three organisations. He continued to actively support their work and tomeet the people using their services right until his death.

He was a devoted husband to his late wife, Susan, and leavesbehind five children, and nine grandchildren.

He received two lifetime achievement awards - one from the DailyMirror's Pride of Britain scheme in 2005 and a Beacon Award in 2004 -and an OBE for his commitment to his work.

A statement issued by the Carr- Gomm charity, which now offershousing and support to more than 4,000 vulnerable people acrossEngland, said: "We have been overwhelmed by the support, love andbest wishes we have received."

Gary Lashko, its chief executive, said: "Richard uniquelycombined practical, small-scale, local work, with a vision whichbridged the gap between vulnerable people and policy makers. Richardhas had a profound and lasting influence on the way servicesdeveloped.

"His commitment to helping socially-excluded people to live aspart of, rather than apart from, their community is still central toCarr- Gomm's work today.

"The world would be a sadder, lonelier place without his vision,inspiration and sheer hard work over the past 50 years."

Paul Allen, chief executive of the Abbeyfield Society, said:"Everyone at Abbeyfield is deeply saddened by the death of ourfounder, Richard Carr-Gomm.

"Richard pioneered a change in how older people are viewed in society through his work, which continued right up until his death.

"I had the privilege to meet Richard twice recently. He was agreat inspiration to us all and Abbeyfield will do all it can tocontinue to care for the lonely elderly, in his memory."

After he left the Army, Mr Carr- Gomm became a volunteer homehelp in Bermondsey. Moved by the loneliness of the elderly people hemet, he used his Army gratuity to buy a house, invited four elderlypeople to join him and set himself up as housekeeper. The concept,housing with companionship and independence, took hold. Volunteerscame forward, including his future wife, and in 1956 the AbbeyfieldSociety was formed.

A memorial service will be held in London in early 2009.

Bedard Wins Sixth Straight for Orioles

BALTIMORE - Erik Bedard allowed one run in six innings to earn his sixth straight victory, and the Baltimore Orioles beat Tampa Bay 6-1 on Wednesday night to extend the Devil Rays' losing streak to five games.

Bedard (10-4) struck out eight - including Ty Wigginton three times - to increase his AL-leading total to 175. The left-hander gave up six hits, walked two and lowered his ERA to 3.05, fifth-best in the league.

Bedard has won four straight starts, allowing only two earned runs in 29 innings, and is 6-0 in seven outings since June 15. He is 9-3 lifetime against Tampa Bay and 28-30 against everyone else.

Corey Patterson went 3-for-4 with a double and a home run for the Orioles (46-53), who moved within seven games of .500 for the first time since June 13. Baltimore is 8-4 since the All-Star break and 17-13 under interim manager Dave Trembley.

Raul Casanova homered for the Devil Rays, who have lost 22 of 27. Tampa Bay has lost eight straight in Baltimore.

Devil Rays rookie Andy Sonnanstine (1-6) yielded five runs and seven hits in six innings. The right-hander has lost six straight decisions since earning his first major league win on June 10.

A communication breakdown by the Devil Rays enabled Baltimore to score three first-inning runs. A single and two walks loaded the bases with two outs for Ramon Hernandez, who hit a towering fly to short left. Left fielder Carl Crawford came in, shortstop Brendan Harris went out, and both backed off before the ball dropped between them for a two-run single. Jay Payton then singled in a run.

Casanova hit his sixth homer in the third, ending a run of 23 straight scoreless innings by Baltimore pitchers.

After Tampa Bay put runners on first and second with one out in the fifth, Orioles rookie shortstop Luis Hernandez made a spectacular diving snare of a grounder by B.J. Upton and started a 6-4-3 double play.

In the bottom half, Brian Roberts singled, took third on a double by Patterson and scored on a fly ball by Nick Markakis to make it 4-1.

Luis Hernandez singled in a run in the sixth and Patterson hit his fifth home run leading off the sixth.

Notes:@ Tampa Bay hitting coach Steve Henderson was ejected from the game by home plate umpire Tom Hallion for arguing a third-strike call on Upton. ... The Orioles placed closer Chris Ray (sore elbow) on the 15-day DL and recalled RHP Cory Doyne from Triple-A Norfolk. Doyne pitched a perfect eighth. ... Bedard has at least seven strikeouts in four straight games and nine of 10. ... Tampa Bay is 2-12 on the road in July.

India's benchmark stock index plunges 7.1 percent amid worries about US economy

India's benchmark index plunged 7.1 percent Monday, its second-biggest percentage loss ever, amid a regional market sell-off sparked by worries that the U.S. economy may enter a recession.

The 30-company benchmark index of the Bombay Stock Exchange, the Sensex, fell 1,482.05 points _ its biggest point drop ever _ to 17,531.65 points. At one point, it was down nearly 11 percent before recovering some.

Its biggest percentage drop was on May 17, 2004, when it fell 11.1 percent.

On the rival National Stock Exchange, the 50-share S&P Nifty index fell 491 points, or 8.6 percent, at 5,213.85.



BATTING_AdGonzalez, Boston, .355; Bautista, Toronto, .330; MiYoung, Texas, .327; Konerko, Chicago, .319; VMartinez, Detroit, .318; MiCabrera, Detroit, .316; JhPeralta, Detroit, .313.

RUNS_Granderson, New York, 77; Bautista, Toronto, 70; MiCabrera, Detroit, 63; Ellsbury, Boston, 62; Kinsler, Texas, 62; AdGonzalez, Boston, 61; Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 58.

RBI_AdGonzalez, Boston, 77; Beltre, Texas, 68; Konerko, Chicago, 65; Teixeira, New York, 65; Granderson, New York, 62; Bautista, Toronto, 61; Youkilis, Boston, 59; MiYoung, Texas, 59.

HITS_AdGonzalez, Boston, 126; MiYoung, Texas, 115; MeCabrera, Kansas City, 109; Ellsbury, Boston, 109; Markakis, Baltimore, 105; ACabrera, Cleveland, 104; AGordon, Kansas City, 104.

DOUBLES_AdGonzalez, Boston, 28; Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 28; Ellsbury, Boston, 25; Quentin, Chicago, 25; MiYoung, Texas, 25; Beltre, Texas, 24; AGordon, Kansas City, 24; Youkilis, Boston, 24.

TRIPLES_Granderson, New York, 7; AJackson, Detroit, 7; Bourjos, Los Angeles, 6; RDavis, Toronto, 6; Aybar, Los Angeles, 5; Cano, New York, 5; Crisp, Oakland, 5; Gardner, New York, 5; Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 5.

HOME RUNS_Bautista, Toronto, 29; Granderson, New York, 25; Teixeira, New York, 25; Konerko, Chicago, 22; NCruz, Texas, 20; MarReynolds, Baltimore, 20; DOrtiz, Boston, 19.

STOLEN BASES_Ellsbury, Boston, 28; Andrus, Texas, 26; Crisp, Oakland, 26; RDavis, Toronto, 24; ISuzuki, Seattle, 23; Gardner, New York, 22; BUpton, Tampa Bay, 20.

PITCHING_Sabathia, New York, 12-4; Verlander, Detroit, 11-4; Weaver, Los Angeles, 11-4; Scherzer, Detroit, 10-4; Tomlin, Cleveland, 10-4; Lester, Boston, 10-4; Ogando, Texas, 9-3; CWilson, Texas, 9-3; Haren, Los Angeles, 9-5; Arrieta, Baltimore, 9-6.

STRIKEOUTS_Verlander, Detroit, 138; FHernandez, Seattle, 134; Shields, Tampa Bay, 132; Price, Tampa Bay, 122; Weaver, Los Angeles, 120; Sabathia, New York, 117; CWilson, Texas, 117.

SAVES_League, Seattle, 23; Valverde, Detroit, 23; CPerez, Cleveland, 21; MaRivera, New York, 21; Papelbon, Boston, 19; Walden, Los Angeles, 19; SSantos, Chicago, 18.

Feds subpoena CPS principal

Whitney Young Magnet Principal Joyce Kenner on Monday became the first principal to reveal she has been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury investigating admissions to Chicago's elite college prep high schools but insisted she "did nothing wrong'' and has no clue why she is being summoned.

At times close to tears, the longtime principal of one of Chicago's best-known high schools said, "for me to have to go through this, for my family to go through this, for my school to go through this -- we don't deserve this."

"I have nothing to hide. I did nothing wrong.''

Kenner's admission to the Sun-Times that she had received a subpoena came after Ald. Anthony Beale (9th) Monday became the second alderman to concede his daughter was admitted to Young after he called Kenner. Both Beale and Ald. Ricardo Munoz (22nd) said they never pressured Kenner to accept their children as so-called principal picks, and both said they had made similar calls for constituents.

Beale's daughter was admitted in 2004 -- long before the 2008 and 2009 time period now under federal scrutiny. All correspondence involving "principal picks" at college preps from "public officials'' has already been subpoenaed.

Back in 2004, Young was the only college prep to routinely handpick some students outside a rigid formula involving grades, attendance and admission test scores. Kenner said Young's tradition of such picks goes back decades to its inception as a magnet school, and she used them to bring diversity and talent to her school.

Beale said he intervened on his daughter's behalf because she was transferring from a Catholic school with "different standards, different criteria," and Kenner "did not have ready access to those transcripts."

"You're talking about an A-minus student. I did what a parent is supposed to do: I called the principal and asked her to look at the transcripts," Beale said.

"The call was made [to ask], 'Is there any space available?' The principal said, 'Yes.' So, I said, 'Can you look at her transcripts?' She looked at it and, based on that, she was accepted."

Kenner said she had a "personal relationship'' with Beale, whom she knew as a baseball coach when her son was playing baseball. "When he called me, it wasn't about him being a political figure,'' Kenner said.

Beale's daughter had high test scores, Kenner said, although she could not remember by how much the girl missed the cutoff score.

"Some kids missed it by a few points. He [Beale] made a call, he asked if I could review it, and I felt she could make it at Whitney Young,'' Kenner said. The girl did well at Young, was active in girls tennis, and is now a sophomore at the University of Illinois-Champaign, she said.

Kenner said neither Beale nor Munoz put pressure on her to accept their children. And, she said, Whitney Young has not accepted "one dime" from the families of principal picks.

Even Michael Jordan, whose youngest son bypassed the usual admission process by transferring into Whitney Young as a junior in 2007, did not contribute to the school, Kenner said.

Kenner said she knew Munoz as the father of a boy her son played basketball with -- not as an alderman.

"I try not to be political at all,'' Kenner said. "If you ask me how many aldermen there are, I don't even know. I'm focused on educating my students every day. . . . I have no hidden agenda. I have not taken money from anybody. I have not even heard rumors what this [ investigation] is about.

"I have no idea.''

On Monday, Beale blasted federal investigators for using valuable resources to investigate school clout.

"They need to be investigating guns and drugs and gangs coming into our community instead of investigating people trying to help people get a good quality education," Beale said.

Beale also said he did not flex any muscles to get his daughter into U. of I. -- now under a clout admissions cloud: "Not a one."

Photo: Anthony Beale ; Photo: Joyce Kenner ;

Vegas police: Jerry Lewis cited for gun in luggage

Police say they have confiscated a gun belonging to Jerry Lewis that was found in the 82-year-old entertainer's carryon bag as he prepared to fly to Detroit from Las Vegas.

Las Vegas policeman Bill Cassell said Tuesday that the actor was cited Friday for carrying an unloaded concealed weapon at the Las Vegas airport.

Lewis' manager, Claudia Marghilano, says the handgun is a hollowed-out prop gun that Lewis sometimes twirls during his show. She tells The Associated Press that the gun couldn't fire.

Marghilano says Lewis didn't know the gun was in the bag along with other props.

Cassell says if the gun were merely a prop "it wouldn't be a weapon and we couldn't cite him for carrying a weapon."

среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

Hot pepper oil as Salmonella defense

Audrey McElroy, an assistant professor of poultry science at Virginia Tech, has found that by adding the spicy component of peppers (capsaicin) to neonatal broiler chick diets, their resistance to Salmonella may be increased. The hot seed may also provide another benefit because unlike chickens, rodents refuse to eat it. "Feeding poultry feed to which capsaicin has been added could be very beneficial in poultry houses," notes McElroy. "Rodents love to get into poultry houses where …

'Don't ask, don't tell' is back in US military

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Defense Department declared Thursday that the so-called "don't ask, don't tell" law once again is the military's law of the land but set up a new system that could make it tougher to be removed from the service for being openly gay.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates ordered that all dismissals under the 1993 law must now be decided by one of the four service secretaries in consultation with the military's general counsel and his personnel chief.

Defense officials said the change was not intended to slow down the rate of discharges. In his memo, Gates wrote that the purpose of narrowing down those in charge was to "ensure uniformity and care in the …

понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

Carmakers win some concessions.

The European Commission's extension of the location clause until October 2005 gives automakers time to modify their distribution networks, analysts say.

Under new block exemption rules adopted July 17, carmakers must by October 1, 2003, revise contracts to grant dealers new rights, including multi-franchising and the choice of offering both sales and repairs. But until October 2005, automakers can still block dealers from opening additional sales outlets.

Other effects:

* Most large dealers make profits on repairs and only break even on sales. "Manufacturers …

Voting under way.

POLLING stations across Banburyshire are open to voters today (Thursday) for this year's local elections.

Stations opened to voters at 7am this morning and will continue to remain open until 10pm tonight.

Elections are taking place at councils across the area, including Banbury Town Council, Cherwell District Council, West Oxfordshire …


WINCHESTER, Va. Norma Lucy Powell, 71, of Fox Drive, formerly of Albany, died Monday in the Winchester Medical Center.

Mrs. Powell was born in Uniontown, Pa. She was a resident of Albany and Newburgh from 1971 to 1975. She received a bachelor of science degree from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

She retired as a nutritionist with the Winchester-Frederick County Health Department and was the first nutritionist of the WIC Program in Winchester, Va.

Mrs. Powell was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Winchester Ward.

Survivors include her husband, …

New Zealand into final of rugby junior worlds

Zac Guildford ran in a pair of tries as New Zealand defeated Australia 31-17 on Wednesday to advance to the final of the rugby junior world championships.

Ben Tapuai gave Australia a 14-7 lead with a try early in the second half but New Zealand leveled the score in the 50th minute when Shaun Treeby dived on a loose ball for a try and Aaron Cruden made the conversion.

New Zealand took the …


This section is a forum for discussion and discernment. Letters express the opinion of the writer only, not necessarily the petition of Canadian Mennonite, the live area churches or Mennonite Church Canada. Letters should address issues rather than criticizing individuals and include contact information. We will send copies of letters referring to other parties to them to provide an opportunity to respond in a future issue if their views have not already been printed in an earlier letter. Please send letters to be considered for publication to letters@canadlanmennonite.org or to Canadian Mennonite, 490 Dutton Drive, Unit C5, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6H7, "Attn: Letter to the Editor." Letters may …

воскресенье, 4 марта 2012 г.

WCCO PRE-EMPTS 6 PM NEWS FOR RELIGION.(paid religious programming from Coral Ridge Ministries)(Brief Article)

CBS-owned WCCO-TV Minneapolis pre-empted its half-hour 6 p.m. newscast Dec. 26--along with Wheel of Fortune--in order to run a paid religious special, Who Is This Jesus, produced by Coral Ridge Ministries. The ministry purchased time on stations on several networks nationwide, …

Membership in IUPAC.(Past President's Column)(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)

We are constantly attempting to widen the influence of IUPAC by reaching out to new members. We currently have 51 National Adhering Organizations (NAOs) and 16 Associate National Adhering Organizations (ANAOs). If you look at a map with our members identified, it is clear that we are truly an international organization with impressive membership representation in North America, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific. However, there are clear gaps in Africa and South America.

Recently, we revised an existing committee with the aim of providing a new concentration on membership activities. While the Membership Relations Committee will continue to recruit new members, it …


Byline: David Broder

This is a different kind of gamble the Democrats are taking this year-a gamble on a generation which has yet to produce a political leader who inspires national confidence.

In nominating the baby boomer ticket of Bill Clinton, 45, and Albert Gore Jr., 44, the Democrats have certainly broken with their past. Whether they have secured their future is another question altogether.

A dozen years ago, at Democratic National Convention time in New York, I was happily signing copies of my newly published book, "Changing of the Guard," describing this new generation of politicians. Among the many profiled there were Clinton, the newly elected governor of Arkansas, and young congressman and Vietnam veteran Al Gore.

It …

China finds more milk tainted with deadly melamine

Chinese authorities have found dairy products in at least two provinces tainted with an industrial chemical that killed six babies and sickened thousands more in 2008, state media said Friday.

The discovery suggests toxic milk remains a lingering danger in China despite a crackdown two years ago that saw dozens arrested and two people, a dairy farmer and a milk salesmen, executed.

Some of the recently found milk was powder that state media said was likely stockpiled instead of destroyed two years ago.

Melamine is added to watered-down milk to make it appear rich in protein in quality tests that measure nitrogen, found in both the melamine and …

4 players fined $15K by NFL for rough hits

NEW YORK (AP) — Baltimore All-Pro defensive tackle Haloti Ngata has been fined $15,000 for lowering his helmet into the back of New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez.

Ngata was one of four players fined that amount by NFL on Friday for rough hits.

Washington linebackers Rob Jackson and Perry Riley were disciplined for their play in Sunday's against St. Louis. Jackson was fined …

Future carrier project floats. (Digest).

The British Royal Navy has reviewed the design for its Adaptable variant of the Future Aircraft Carrier, which will operate the short take-off and vertical landing F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The Carrier will displace over 50,000 tonnes, carry a complement of 600 crew with squadron and command staffs up to 1400, run on non-nuclear propulsion (Integrated Full …

Findings from B. Furusato and co-researchers advance knowledge in prostate cancer.(Report)

"The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of prostate specific antigen (PSA) relapse in patients with low volume prostate cancer following radical prostatectomy. Between 1993 and 2001, 50 of 717 patients had total tumour volumes of less than 0.5 cm(3) following radical prostatectomy," scientists in the United States report (see also Prostate Cancer).

"Biochemical recurrence was defined as two consecutive values of serum PSA levels of 0.2 ng/ml or greater. Median follow-up of the 50 patients was 58 months. In five of the 50 patients (10%), PSA recurrence was observed. All of these five cases had Gleason score of 3+3 (well and/or moderately …

суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.


ALBANY -- Fire investigators were searching for the cause of a blaze that severely damaged two buildings on North Allen Street Monday evening.

Deputy Chief Warren Abriel said it was not determined whether the fire ``came from inside out or from outside in.'' The damage at 173 and 175 North Allen St. was on the sides facing each other across a three-foot-wide alley.

The flames climbed the outside walls and entered the second-floor flats of both buildings. Abriel said both floors at 173 were occupied and was unsure if anyone lived on the second floor of 175. The …

Aging cells' response to short telomeres could fight cancer.

LONDON -- New insights into the mechanisms that call a halt to cell division once a cell begins to age could provide clues as to how cancer cells continue multiplying. Researchers in the UK have discovered clusters of molecules around the ends of the chromosomes in cells that have stopped dividing because they have grown old--and many of them have turned out to be known tumor suppressors.

Steve Jackson, deputy director of the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Institute of Cancer and Developmental Biology in Cambridge, said, "Now that we know how healthy cells age, we can work out how cancer cells ignore this process, which could lead to new treatments for the disease."

OSHA takes aim at Kansas and Missouri shops

Collision repair shops in Kansas and Missouri can expect a visit from an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspector. OSHA has begun a "local emphasis program" in those two states that is designed to reduce the health hazards it sees in the industry.

According to an OSHA press release, " Workplace hazards are prevalent in the auto body repair industry," and the agency says that in 2004 110 OSHA inspections led to 468 collision repair shop citations. The release said the most common shop citations were for violations of "spray finishing, using flammable and combustible materials; respiratory protection; handling, storage and use of flammable and combustible …

CRISIL upholds B+/"stable" rating on cash credit of Besto Tradelink.

(ADPnews) - May 19, 2011 - Rating agency CRISIL yesterday said it had retained the B+/"stable" rating on an INR 55 million (USD 1.2m/EUR 859,000) cash credit of Indian commodities trading group Besto Tradelink Pvt Ltd.

The agency has also kept the P4 rating on a packaging credit of the company.

The …

Moore learning on job: Freshman scores 19, but struggles guarding Jordan.

Byline: Pete Iorizzo

Jan. 16--ALBANY -- Siena freshman Ronald Moore hit five 3-pointers and scored a career-high 19 points. His production was outmatched only by Marist guard Jared Jordan.

Trouble is, it was Moore who guarded Jordan.

So Moore was left with an up-and-down evening, a day on which he enjoyed his best game on offense but struggled against the MAAC's Preseason Player of the Year, who posted a triple double in leading Marist to an 84-75 overtime victory.

Even there, Moore and his coach sought the positive, viewing the effort against Jordan as a learning experience.

"The thing about Ronald Moore is he's a competitor," …

Change IE's AutoComplete. (Internet).

[Q] I like the way Internet Explorer remembers and fills in the appropriate user name and password for sites where I'm registered. But some of the entries are wrong. How do I delete them?

--Murray Hanson

[A] The feature you're talking about is called AutoComplete, but the name is confusing because it also refers to the way Internet Explorer fills in URLs as you type them--an entirely different operation. The AutoComplete your question relates to is the one for IE forms--specifically, user names and passwords.

To get rid of an …

821 Compact IC. (Product Launch - Metrohm).(Brief Article)

Metrohm makes on-line ion chromatography more affordable with the 821 Compact On-line IC, the baby brother of the high-sensitivity 811 processor.

The 821 costs less than half the price of its competitors and can make sequential determination of anions or cations from up to 10 different sample flows. It contains an …


Byline: BOB CROCE - Staff writer

Keep in mind that Martin Brodeur's eyes are focused on the prize when he looks out between the bars of his goalie mask at this New Jersey Devils training camp.

His one and only goal is to make the big club, be Chris Terreri's backup; enjoy stays in major league hotels on the road; play in North America's sports palaces and have someone else carry his equipment bag.

But understand, too, that there is no urgency in his voice when he tells you this. If he doesn't make it this time, he really will enjoy playing in Albany just the way he enjoyed playing all last season in Utica.


"That's …

пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.



USA, 2010 (94 min.)

Dir. Taylor Guterson

Filmed locally, Old Goats is the story of three old guys and their friendship. Britt lives on his tiny boat and is out of touch with modern life, Bob is full of energy and attitude and is a ladies' man, and Dave is recently retired and spends his time "managing his retirement funds" (looking at internet porn). It's refreshing to see older characters being active and having their own lives and opinions, and not just playing someone's grandparent or having dementia. (GILLIAN ANDERSON)

EGYPTIAN Tue June 7, 7

ADMIRAL Fri June 10, 4:30